Leave A Legacy Of Caring

Your legacy is important because it represents the values that you stood for in your lifetime. It is a statement to the world about who you were and your belief in a better world for all living things.

If you choose New Stride as one of your beneficiaries, you will be helping to provide love, care, and compassion to future generations of Thoroughbreds in British Columbia.

New Stride relies almost entirely on the generosity of the public in its mission to find adoptive homes and new careers for former Thoroughbred racehorses. We receive no funding from the government.

Planned Giving

Preparing your will
Naming New Stride in your will
Other types of legacy gifts

Honoring Your Legacy

We wish to honor individuals who made a final gift to New Stride in their will or through another type of planned gift.  Our benefactors are:

Hunter Birosh
Frank & Yvonne McCracken Foundation
Robert B. McDonald
Kathi Milnes